Wednesday, December 20, 2023


         I want to touch on a subject on why we do what we do in the first place. We set up different strategies to accomplish our goals using what resources we have at our disposal. What happens when we develop our varying strategies and things start to happen as they will as by now we know how to develop a strategy and have some idea of what it is we are trying to accomplish. The "magic" as I would like to call it happens after a lifetime of testing and trying out the strategies that we have decided upon when we were younger.  After years of striving towards our goal and to finally have things happen to our liking is just pure magic. We all have a life to live. I believe adding a little purpose to our life with some strategy can have long term benefits to our lives and increase our happiness.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


        There is something about letting it age that helps bring light to an idea. I have had this blog for almost a decade now and looking back I am glad I did this. Not very many people look at my blog but that is okay. This is mainly for me to have someplace to write down my thoughts.
         I look back at all the posts I have made and see how my idea for strategy has evolved. I never gave up on my idea and have posted sparingly but over time I have a few posts. That is a good way to look at life and committing to an idea or strategy. Things change over time and so do you. We all have a life to live it is best to live the life according to yourself because in the end that is all we have is ourselves to live with the choices we've made.